Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Where to get certified copies of Software Certifications CSTE

Software Certifications CSTE study guide is more reliable than all available study material because it has precise Software Certifications CSTE questions and answer which helps beginner’s to improve their professional skills step by step.  We provide free updates and a downloadable Software Certifications CSTE demo, because we charge only for satisfaction. We have firm believe in our Software Certifications CSTE study guide that’s why we offer total money back guarantee if any student unfortunately unable to clear Software Certifications CSTE test after studding our Software Certifications CSTE study material.

Exam Name: CSTE Certified Software Test Engineer (CSTE)

Question: 1

What is the primary objective of the system proposal from the producer's viewpoint?

A. To present the costs / benefits of the proposal
B. To obtain an agreement for more work
C. To standardize presentations
D. To present the methodology of operations

Answer: B    

Question: 2

In quantifying risk, the term RE represents __________

A. Risk Expense
B. Related Expense
C. Risk Exposure
D. Risk Estimation

Answer: C    

Question: 3

The term "Defect" is related to the term "Fault" because a fault is a defect, which has not yet been identified.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A    

Question: 4

What type of change do you need before you can obtain a behavior change?

A. Lifestyle
B. Internal
C. Vocabulary
D. Management

Answer: C    

Question: 5

A process allows the same quality to be replicated from product to product, often by the use of standards and procedures.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A    

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